
I got a Liebster nomination! Thank you C.C. (find her blog here)! I’m quite late passing it along, but it’s not like I haven’t been thinking about it. Here’s what I’m supposed to do:

include the award photo in my post
nominate eleven bloggers for the award, and give them eleven questions to answer
answer the eleven questions C.C. asked me
share eleven other facts about myself

So here goes. I’ll do the easiest bits first: put the photo in (done) and nominate eleven other bloggers. – Incredibly beautiful and honest writing – Something interesting to ponder every time – I love the detailed texture of this blog (the ‘work in progress’ is great too)… – …and the calm, considered thoughts of this blog – It helps me ‘get’ art in an informed but unpretentious way – And this makes me want to cook more, but mostly makes me laugh! – This makes me think of zen gardens, every stone arranged just so – These photos are so full of warmth and life… – …and these photos provoke so many ideas! – WordPress has taught me: people who are struggling can be the most inspiring and humorous – Does the blog have to be wordpress? I don’t care, I love this blog!

I’m going to quote C.C. again:

Should you choose to play along, then please include the award photo in your post, answer the eleven questions I ask you below, share eleven other facts about yourself, nominate eleven bloggers for the award, and give them eleven questions to answer. If you don’t want to participate, that is fine. Just know that I am so grateful to have found all of your blogs.

Your questions, should you choose to answer them, are:

1. What infuriates you most about people?
2. What gives you most hope about people?
3. Is there some music that you love, but no one else seems to, and you respect their opinion, but secretly, you can’t understand why they don’t?
4. Same question as #3, but for either a book, a poem, a film or a piece of art.
5. What’s the best thing that’s happened since you started your blog?
6. Where do you see your blog going this year? (You can ignore this one if you want; it sounds a bit too much like an interview question!)
7. If you could learn to do one new thing brilliantly, what would it be?
8. What do you think people should do more of?
9. Which person, who you haven’t met, do you most admire?
10. Do you have a totem animal? Is it a penguin?
11. Where do you want to go?

OK, now here are the questions C.C. asked:

1. How did you pick your blog name?
I was thinking about making something new, and mine; and I was thinking about the quote on the banner; then I thought about UFOs; and ‘unquiet fabrications offerings’ was the most appropriate initialism I could come up with. Hm.

2. Do you blog anonymously or as yourself and why did you make this choice?
I blog as myself. I do have another blog where I’m not myself; but for this blog, I don’t particularly want to draw any lines or have any borders. It’s a bit messy, and probably incoherent at times, but it’s me, all jumbled up and merged together. ‘Messy and incoherent’ – that’s a pretty good description of me.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world, then where would you live?
I don’t really mind, as long as I can see my family and friends as often as possible. Fine, that’s not true. I’d like to live in Malaysia, preferably about five minutes away from a beach.

4. In your opinion, what is the most beautiful man-made object in the world?
I like books, and stories, and sentences and words. If they can make me think something I never have before, or express something I think but couldn’t frame, then the whole world is beautiful.

5. What is the most interesting course you have ever taken in school?
I did a course in philosophy. It was pretty dry at the time, but it’s stayed with me. It’s interesting to see how some of the things I studied but didn’t understand have taken on new meaning as I’ve gotten older.

6. What is your favorite saying or quotation?
Derek Zoolander: “I think I’m getting the Black Lung, Pop. It’s not very well ventilated down there.”
Larry Zoolander: “For Christ’s sake, Derek, you’ve been down there one day. Talk to me in thirty years.”

7. If you could have 50 pounds of anything, other than money, what would you want to have?
Book vouchers!

8. If you had to wear a button with a maximum of six words on it describing your outlook on life, what would your button say?
“Messy and incoherent”

9. What/where was your favorite vacation and why?
Malaysia! I’m supposed to say because that’s where I got married, but come on, it was Malaysia! The whole wedding thing was just an added bonus.

10. What is one job that no one could pay you enough to do?
It might sound strange, but I’d hate to be a book critic or someone working at the submissions desk of a publishers. I haven’t read any book I didn’t take *something* from, and I really dislike judging books – usually because, a few months or years later, I realise my judgement was completely wrong!

11. If you could only see ONE color, rather than a wide range of colors, then what color would you want to continue seeing?
Hmm. I guess saying ‘white’ is sort of cheating…I’ll go for blue, as long as it’s all the shades.

And finally, here are eleven other facts about myself:

1. I’m suspicious of change, and I don’t particularly like that about myself.
2. I’m sometimes painfully shy, although I’m much better than I was 10 years ago.
3. When I’m not shy, I can go on at tedious length.
4. I’m a social lurker, and that extends to my blogging life. Nine times out of ten, I don’t leave a comment, even if I want to.
5. I drink too much coffee.
6. I smoke too many cigarettes.
7. I’m trying to do less (or none) of both.
8. I don’t get along well with people who are completely certain they have all the answers, although I’m secretly jealous of these people.
9. There are too many things I want to be good at; I’m worried that I’ll never be as good as I can be at any of them, because I want too much.
10. Having said that, I managed to finish some things last year, and I’m optimistic about this year, too.
11. I’m bad at keeping secrets.

If you want to play along, please leave a link to your ‘Liebster post’ in the comments.